Relaxation - increasing these moments so as to remain active without tiring

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "allongé au soleil"
In order to remain active all day without feeling tired, it is essential to take a moment to relax from time to time. But just two or three times is not enough… Ten, fifteen or twenty times a day, you must stop the relentless inner movement, so that you can be recharged with new energy. And you only need a minute each time. Wherever you are, when you have a moment, instead of remaining tense about a difficult situation or becoming impatient at having to wait and so on, turn it to your advantage by going inside yourself and saying, ‘Thank you, Lord; this is another opportunity that’s been given to me to calm down and find my balance again.’ Call on the light, concentrate on a colour, say a formula… Then you will resume your activity with renewed strength and enthusiasm and clearer ideas. And don’t worry that you are wasting time: you will more than make up for it.

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